Unleash The Creativity Within.

It all starts with some idea. One sudden spark of brilliance. A flash of genius. But you can never tell where an idea will end up. Because an idea can spread, change, grow and may end up affecting the way we live. But no matter how the idea may change our lives, we should always look back and try to understand how it all began. We must admire the humble beginning of the idea and the fertile minds that gave birth to it. We also could celebrate those moments of splendour and we certainly marvel at the fine thought process behind these ideas. We must firmly believe in the infinite capacity of the human mind. So thus we believe that all we need is that one second of inspiration.

After all we all do know That an Idea is THE MOST RESILIENT PARASITE and the movie INCEPTION clearly tells you why !

Idea is all that you need

So I believe that we must all try to unleash the creativity within us and generate ideas because once a good idea’s taken hold in the brain it’s almost impossible to eradicate. Also note that a full formed and well understood idea always sticks somewhere in the head.

Also again if no Idea then ‘Get Idea’ Sirjee ! lol….

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1 Response to Unleash The Creativity Within.

  1. lalu says:

    Hi dear…

    u inspire pple in d blog to put there thought how 2 make india a better place 2 live n safe india..

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